Environmental policy

Last update: 07-09-2023

- Purpose and Scope -

This environmental policy outlines the commitments, objectives, and actionable steps that Camp Alta Kiruna will undertake to minimise its impact on the environment. The policy applies to all operations, staff, guests, and subcontractors involved with the campsite.

- Policy Statement -

We are committed to conducting our operations in a manner that is environmentally sustainable, responsible, and in accordance with local, state, and federal environmental regulations. We aim to conserve natural resources, reduce waste, and contribute positively to the local ecosystem.

- Objectives -

  • Waste Reduction: To reduce waste through recycling, reusing, and composting.
  • Energy Efficiency: To utilize energy in the most efficient way possible.
  • Water Conservation: To minimize water use and protect local water sources.
  • Sustainable Sourcing: To source food, materials, and other goods in a sustainable manner.
  • Education and Awareness: To promote environmental awareness among staff and guests.

- Action Plans -

Waste Management

  • Provide clearly marked bins for recycling, compost, and landfill waste.
  • Use biodegradable cleaning products and toiletries.
  • Offer reusable items like cups, plates, and utensils rather than single-use plastics.
  • Sustainable Sourcing: To source food, materials, and other goods in a sustainable manner.
  • Education and Awareness: To promote environmental awareness among staff and guests.

Energy Management

  • Utilize energy-efficient heating and LED lighting.
  • Implement a “lights-off” policy for non-essential lighting during daylight hours.

Water Management

  • Install water-saving appliances like low-flow toilets and faucets.
  • Encourage guests to limit shower time and reuse towels.

Sustainable Sourcing

  • Source food and supplies locally whenever possible to reduce transportation emissions.
  • Use Fair Trade and organic products.
  • Prioritize the use of renewable or recycled building materials for any new structures or repairs.

Education and Awareness

  • Display educational signs about local flora, fauna, and history to promote environmental awareness.
  • Offer workshops, nature walks, or presentations on environmental conservation.
  • Train staff in sustainable practices and how to educate guests.

Compliance and Monitoring

  • Stay up to date with, and adhere to, all local, state, and federal environmental regulations.
  • Conduct regular internal audits to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental practices.
  • Appoint an Environment Officer to monitor and implement the policy.

Review and Amendments

  • This policy will be reviewed annually and updated to reflect new science, technologies, and feedback from staff and guests.
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